My home town is Kuliyapitiya. My parents are also from Kuliyapitiya.
My husband had seen me while I was going to school and came home to meet my parents. But cheekily he had asked ‘ are there cows for sale?’ Then my grandfather had relied ‘yes there are cows for sale, but they are still too young’. After this, we began an affair.
We were married on 28th May in 1992. After the marriage, I was brought to my husband’s house in Kuliyapitiya. I was with his family for three years. They were very nice to me.
Before we got married, my husband got disabled in 1991, while fighting in Welioya. He is deaf in both his ears.
I have a son and a daughter. The daughter is 17 years old. My son is 11 years old. My daughter is in the A/L class. Son goes to school in Ibbagamuwa.
We received a plot of land and a house from the government in 1994. We came to live here in 1997. It was a house with a kitchen and two rooms.
It was difficult to leave our village.
This house is a treasure to us. All the neighbors live in harmony like the passengers on the same ship.
We have so many financial problems. Due to a legal issue, my husband lost his job. My husband was innocent. But he lost his job. We live with a lot of difficulties.
My husband served in Killinochchi, Jaffna, Batticaloa for 19 years. Even after getting disabled, he served there. After sacrificing so much for the country, he must be feeling so sad to lose the job.
While I was pregnant with my daughter we lived in Kuliyapitiya. Then the JVP terror was everywhere. Those days we were scared even to step out of the house.
During the time of war, I lived in fear. I had no peace of mind until my husband came home for vacation.
During the JVP terror period, there were rumors that the Army soldiers were being killed. So, I feared for his life. I have seen the funerals of dead soldiers. In one incident, the dead body of the groom was brought just a month after the wedding.
I wish my son will get a scholarship to continue his studies. We are in a helpless situation and expect some assistance.
I wish there will never be a war again. I respect the ones who sacrificed their lives for the country.
Since my husband doesn’t have a job, we need assistance to build the roof of our house.
We are uncertain of the future. My child’s mental strength has also deteriorated. We request some assistance from you.
When my husband lost his job, my mother helped us a lot. Some neighbors also helped us. I am grateful to them.
My husband is very important in my life. I respect his mother and father also. They are not alive now.
I am apprehensive about the future. I am also happy. Yet my children are mentally weak. So I am appealing to a wealthy person to help a hero’s family for what he has done for his country
Even if I am not able to afford it, I will try to do some charity to the temple or help my neighbours. I am happy about that.